because of her defective locker. Charlotte swats Henrys hand away from Piper before they removed her phone. Henry tries to reassure Charlotte that Bysh isnt so tough when she freaks out that her life is over. Henry doesn't find it funny that Charlotte ends up wearing Jasper's retainer due to theplan that he had suggested. Does Ray want to be a father? Many girls have entered his life, and have all broken his heart in more way than one. As of the final episode, Henry and Charlotte (along with Jasper) fight crime together. Dangerverse Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Charlotte starts to explain to Henry why she likes eating healthy food even though she knows Henry needs to go. The first letter isn't even capitalised! If you don't, then stop right now and leave. Charlotte was at Henry's house late at night. Henry and Charlotte come downstairs at the same time, dressed in new clothes that they seemto have just put on. Charlotte asked Henry how his butt was feeling. Henry complains to Charlotte that he nearly beat her in the game. When Henry laughs and starts to breathes fire after Charlotte tickles his foot, she begins to scream. You owe me a coconut!' Henry allows Charlotte to give him a lecture about being too cocky and afterward he agrees with her. Henry says to Charlotte that she's the smart one in the group. Henry can't handle not being Charlotte's first choice. Charlotte pulled Henry aside and asked what an Opposite Universe is. He needs her. Henry askes Charlotte if she's okay, and Charlotte angrily answers back no. Henry says just a sec and turns to talk to Charlotte. When Charlotte is hit by the basketball, Henry comes to help her worried and asks her: "You okay?". *, Sacred [ sey-krid ]Reverently dedicated to some person, purpose, or object.-Charlotte has been dead for a year, Henry is still mourning his loss. Charlotte playfully smacked Henry's tummy and called him chubby. Henry smiles and laughs when Charlotte agrees that shes smarter than Schwoz. At Henrys House, they argued over who would have to start while waiting for Jasper. When Henry can hear Ray clearly from Alaska, he looks back and smiles at Charlotte. Charlotte grabs Henrys wrist when his watch beeps. Henry agrees with Charlotte about her plan to protect his secret. Charlotte denies it by responding,"What? Charlotte and Henry can be seen lookingat each other while other people are speaking many timesthroughout this episode. When Piper says lets go!" While Charlotte was wondering what was going on, Henry pulled Charlotte over the counter. Charlotte seems the least enthusiastic about the idea of eating Henrys cake without him (aside from Henrys mom who stops them). Charlotte zaps someone whos trying to attack Henry. When Ray is sitting at the monitors telling what happened before he ate the muffins, Henry has his arm around Charlotte's shoulders the whole time and he really didn't need to. When Henry is going to the Man Cave, he calls Charlotte to come with him. Henry expressed to her how upset he was about Ray living with him. They like and dislike many of the same things (for example, pickles). Henry is not at allbothered by the teasing and laughs with them, normally if someone suggests you kiss someone you don't want to kiss you'd probably look uncomfortable or annoyed so the fact that Henry is not could be a strong indication that he likes her. Henry texted Charlotte that he got Ray and did not text Jasper or Schwoz. Charlotte is the only one watching Schwoz on the phone, probably because she knows that hes talking to Henry. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. While Charlotte pulls Henry close, he touched her hand. Before Henry realized that Charlotte also wanted to open the crate, Henry guiltily says I know when she says that he cant open other peoples crates, Charlotte acts as if Henry is doing something wrong by opening Rays crate, Henry is very amused and excited by Charlottes turn (the crowbar) and says hed laugh at it every time, Charlotte and Henry try to open Rays crate with the crowbar together, Charlotte and Henry both try to lie to Piper and Jasper about opening the crate, Charlotte and Henry look at each other when Piper and Jasper tell them that they also tried opening the crate, Before Schwoz shows them his magnet, Henry leans in close to Charlotte as whispers sick turn coming with excitement and she agrees with him, Henry and Charlotte both get excited about Schwozs turn, Henry and Charlotte smile at each other while Schwoz explains how the magnet will open the crate, Henry whispers to Charlotte that there is a turn coming again when Ray talks about the Theranos Boot and Charlotte excitedly says I cant even right now, Henry asks if they are going to touch the boot since Ray left and Charlotte tells Henry that shes not so sure that they should touch it, Henry agrees with Charlotte that they should get the gum off an easier way so he goes to get a tissue, Charlotte moves to stand beside Henry when Schwoz starts explaining his plan to fix their broken boot problem, Charlotte tells Henry to just agree with Schwoz while he explains that they can get a boot from an alternate universe and Henry listens to her, Henry gives everyone directions but only says please when he gives Charlottes directions, Henry and Charlotte both look concerned when Jasper says that he thinks the donkey did kick his head, Henry consistently stands right beside Charlotte a lot in this episode, Henry asks Jasper why he didnt listen to Charlotte. Henry (and Ray and Schwoz) watch Charlotte while she's on her date. Charlotte taunts Henry and Jasper about being afraid to ask Noelle who she wants to date. Henry smiled when Charlotte pretended to talk in a fruit bar. When Charlotte glares at him, he giggles, "Tee-hee" at her. Charlotte told Henry to leave the meat on his bruised eye. After they dream about kissing one another there are many similarities. When Oliver threw the avocado, Henry pushed Charlotte back so she wouldn't get hurt. Henry and Charlotte smiled at each other and ate corn dogs. Charlotte told Henry that he has to fight Drex. When Charlotte was getting angry at Schwoz, he tried to stop her from getting into a fight. Henry and Charlotte were eating fofu togetherwhile the others were, When Charlotte says it (fofu) does not taste like good meat, Henry stares at, Henry hunches forward to talk to Charlotte (caught in the background of a scene). When Jasper called Henry 'handsome', Charlotte said, "Stop, I can't take this anymore!". Henry adds, "It might be a wrong". Charlotte (and Ray) were cheering Henry on behind the set of the game show. Henry texted Charlotte that they were on their way, making Charlotte seemed less nervous. Henry helps Charlotte to go on a date with Jack by being the waiter of their fake restaurant. Charlotte and Henry both walk away when Ms. Shapen asks for help removing a dart from her shoulder. Charlotte sarcastically says that shes sorry for keeping Henry waiting and Henry says it's okay. There might be some oth Henry and Charlotte have been best friends for their whole lives, but will a kiss change their feelings? Also no. When Charlotte complains that this is not a life-or-death situation, Henry puts his hand on Charlotte's arm and softly says "yes, it is" before angrily saying that it is because he's going to kill Ray, Henry looks at Charlotte and asks if anybody is going to help him when Ray has him in a headlock, Henry gets Charlotte to try a corn dog and smiles when she likes it, Henry and Ray excitedly tell Charlotte about the mission they had returned from, Charlotte looks a little annoyed when Henry won't say why he's going to New York, Charlotte asks Henry what happened to him, Charlotte asks why Henry let the woman throw him across the room (which implies her belief that he would be strong/fast enough to avoid such a scenario), Henry sassily replies that she didn't offer him another option, Charlotte points out the fact that Henry said "doe" instead of do and Henry yells that he meant do. She looked kind of annoyed everytime Henry/Kid Danger would interrupt conversations with other friends. Henry confided in Charlotte about being Kid Danger. Henry is really worried when Charlotte is hit by the basketball. Henry runs back to ask Charlotte if shes coming. Charlotte encouraged Henry to get the Phone Shark by calling him Kid Danger. Charlotte pulls Henry close and tells him to change into Kid Danger. Charlotte goes to stand close to Henry when Jasper asks outPatina. Charlotte has reservations about shooting a video of Henry transforming into Kid Danger because of the video possibly getting out. Charlotte leans on Henry while they watch the video she recorded on his phone. Charlotte agrees with Ray that its hard to hear Henry freaking out about the bee, so she mutes the box volume. Grief/rf/noundeep sorrow, especially that caused by someone's death.-. Henry tells Charlotte to do the whatsup thing and smiles when shedoes it. When Jasper volunteered to babysit Piper, Henry hesitated and told him that his parents wouldnt want a friend of his to babysit her. Henry and Charlotte are together in the hallway. Charlotte and Henry both think that Jasper is the playground pooper. Charlotte insists that Henry does, in fact, get scared and joins Jasper and Ray in mocking the high-pitched sound that Henry makes when something startles him. Charlotte was happy and clapping for Henry when he got his power. Henry grabs Charlotte's shoulders and leads her to the door, then lightly pushes her out after they bicker for a moment. When Charlotte asks about the royal blue glasses, Henry high-fives her, before leaving the Man Cave. He zapped everyone at the table and kicked the girl out of the chair just so he could talk to Charlotte. Charlotte says that someone should get Ray and Henry says that hes on it. Henry said he would not join the tournament because Charlotte would give him 'the look'. At the ceremony, Charlotte is talking to a group of friends but Henry pulls her away again so he can complain about Bianca. Charlotte constantly asks Henry what's going on with Piper. Henry, believing that his request was the reason of making her mad, doesn't want to bother her with that anymore. Schwoz saysthat Henry and Charlotte need to kiss to get married to which Henry laughs, smiles, and bites on his tongue. He one hundred percent knew this to be true. Henry nervously rants when Charlotte accuses him of starting the helicopterand his rant ends with I didn't mean to, Im sorry. Henry leaned closer to Charlotte when he told her that he calls Jasper, Jasp. When Henry answered the door for the sushi, Charlotte told Henry not to get mad. Henry felt bad that Charlotte (and Jasper) couldn't go to Frankini's party. When the retaineris stuckin Charlotte's mouth, Henry tries to help her to get it out. Charlotte says that she was playing with Henry by letting him nearly win. Henry was likely the one on the phone with Charlotte in the third flashback as they are known to be the ones most frequently in contact with each other by phone. Charlotte and Henry sat together at Club Soda. Henry starts to freak out as soon as Charlotte says she's going to Dystopia, he calls it a 'crime-ridden toilet', says it's on the other side of the worldand asks if she even speaks Dystopian, he was clearly worried for her and doesn't want her living so far away. Henry is about to yell at Ray, Charlotte interrupts and says "let me". Schowz winks at her, proof thathe doesnt believe her. When Henry and Charlotte greet each other at the start of the episode, they refer to one another as 'Hen' and 'Char'. Juni 2022; Beitrags-Kategorie: abandoned mansion with everything inside Beitrags-Kommentare: michelle snow foundation michelle snow foundation Henry Hart (Henry Danger) Charlotte Page Jasper Dunlop Piper Hart Kris Hart Jake Hart (Henry Danger) Ray Manchester Bianca (Henry Danger) Superheroes Sidekicks Secret Identity Jealousy High School Fluff and Angst Fluff Fluff and Crack Fame Best Friends Friends to Lovers Jealous Harry Hart Moving In Together Roommates Hijinks & Shenanigans Crushes Both Henry and Charlotte were not surprised at the money lost in the newspaper, but by the fact that people still read them. Henry reassures Charlotte that he might be the greatest sidekick ever if the Densitizer works on him. Charlotte was really sad that Henry was still asleep to the point that she tried to feed him her onion dip. When Henry is fighting with Tiffany, Charlotte tells him to be careful and almost said his name. Two people who loved Henry Hart stand alone in the moments after his death. Chenry Stories - Wattpad Charlotte was mainly concerned about the state of Henry as a man-beast. Henry held Charlotte by the shoulders and shoke her vigorously. They were both disgusted by the Nostrilator. Charlotte suggests an idea for Ray to make Henry laugh (which demonstrations that she knows what makes Henry laugh). Henry laughs when Charlotte asks Jasper, Why do you have those?. Charlotte tells Henry not to hang 2 gold balls together. Henry and Ray robbed the Swellview Bank so they could frame Bysh and get Charlotte out of fighting her. Henry seemed concerned when Charlotte came to the ManCave, mind-warped. When they get to the man's nest for Captain Man's and Danger Force's help they get a video call from Rick Twitler showing that he has Charlotte. Henry said that Charlotte's idea was 'gooooood'. Charlotte was sad when Henry didn't listen to her story. Charlotte found out that Henry killed her pet fish, Nemo, in, Henry is strong enough to pull Charlotte over a counter, as shown in. When Charlotte tells Henry that the Language, Information, and Mathematics Program do call themselves L.I.M.P, they hug again. The overtime, the demanding tasks, the physical strain, the sleepless nights, etc. Schowz tells to Charlotte that a bunch of people wondering if her and Henry are dating. Henry was talking to Charlotte about how Ray was acting. Henry is usually the only character shown to worry about Charlotte's well being, Charlotte is also known to worry about Henry. *DISCLAIMER* Charlotte is the only one who doesnt raise her hand when Ray asks who wants to be Kid Danger. Henry touches Charlotte's chair and then sits on the desk very close to herand asks her to check if anyone needs saving today, Charlotte and Henry sit very close together on the couch, Charlotte's resting her arm on the back of the couch too, Henry (for some reason)turns towards Charlotte and sneezes on her without covering his mouth. I felt jealous of Charlotte, even though I know her and Henry would never date. When Henry saw Charlotte moaning in pain after eating 'bad meat', Henry puts all of his concern on her and. Charlotte was laughing at Henry and his costume of a Red Skynaut. Charlotte screamed for Schwoz to find Henry. Henry tries to tell Charlotte that they didnt fall asleep but she doesnt believe him. Charlotte gave Henry a plan to catch the criminal. The stockings in the Man Cave are hung in pairs and Charlottes and Henrys are side by side. When Ray suggested they pretend to be boyfriend and girlfriend, they both exclaimed, Ew!, After hearing each other say ew at the thought of dating the other, they both said, Hey!. Henry (and Ray) help Charlotte up after she falls,Henry puts his hand on her back. Henry hadn't shaken off the mind control effect a A Will Herondale and Tessa Gray fanfic! Henry (along with the rest of the gang) helps Charlotte with her plan to destroy the machine. Piper is quick to assume that Charlotte's dream of kissing a friend was about Henry, Charlotte doesn't want to tell Piper that her dream was about Henry, this. Henry and Charlotte were both glaring at Mitch. Disclaimer: He and Ray helped her walk over to the couch. She asks Henry where he was the day before, expressing concern. In the background, Henry can be seen smiling a lot while talking to Charlotte when Ray takes the emergency call about the stolen declaration. 2 Cutest Moments Henry Danger. Charlotte answers an irritated "WHY?" Charlotte shows concern for the side effect Henry has. Henry said "Yes, I promised" when she told him not to tell her to calm down. Charlotte came into Henry's house and immediately asked where Henry was. "What you do want Jake?" I asked, not really wanting to deal with him right now. Charlotte doesn't seem to like Henry and Jack talking to one another. Henry said Charlotte's project was great and was interested in how it worked. (Note: I was inspired by a story called Just Trust Me.). Charlotte is annoyed by Henry, Jasper, and Ray's references of "obtaining" and "having" Noelle. Charlotte breaks an object over his head just for fun. Henry told Ray and Schwoz that they could not get ice cream on the way to the school. Just another site. Henry and Charlotte argued slightly with each other about whether Jasper's new thing would be a bucket or not. This shows that while Jasper is Henry's oldest friend, Henry considers Charlotte his. They were both smiling awkwardly when they told Jasper the secret. Henry references to protecting Charlotte from Courtney in. When Henry is massaging Jasper, Henry is staring at Charlotte the whole time. Henry goes a whole day of getting stung by hornets, scared by Piper, hit with an avocado, and shot in the eye, so Charlotte could get into L.I.M.P. Henry wanted Charlotte to help him get the underwear off the walls, but she left him to do it himself. Charlotte was truly his partner in every way. WARNING: read at your own risk!! Henry smiles and looks at Charlotte briefly. Henry anxiously and repeatedly mutters Charlotte as he reaches for his phone to video chat Charlotte in the morning. When Ray and Henry were talking about how boys don't like getting pinched in the butt, Charlotte chimed in and said girls don't like that either. At the end of the episode, Henry and Charlotte are acting like Rays parents because Henry is about to stop Ray from hurting himself and Charlotte tells Henry to just let Ray get hurt so that hell learn. Henry and Charlotte are taking calls together at the beginning of the episode. Henry and Charlotte are watching the police pursuit at school. I said seriously, looking at her fondly. When the blender gets turned on the second time, Charlotte and Henry turn it on at the same time. He told Ray to move when he was talking to Charlotte. Schwoz believes that they are dating in Part 3: A New Hero. Henry said Schwoz could not get ice cream because they had to get parts for Charlotte's invention. henry and charlotte fanfiction jealous - basically, henry danger reacting to themselves.chenry and bianca slander>>>, Henry goes to the dentist and confesses a few things to Charlotte, Mika always knew that would more than just a hallway crush. Chenry is the friendship/romantic pairing between Henry Hart and Charlotte Page. Ever since she started dating Jasper things went south with Charlotte and Henry wanted to find out why. Charlotte and Henry both said no to joining Jasper's posse. Charlotte is afraid that Henry will turn out to be some mutant-freak and refuses to go with him, which shows that she cares about him. Charlotte held Henry by the shoulders and started to help him off the floor. This is a Jaele fanfic. Henry asked if her gummy bears were still next to her closet, implying that Henry has been in her bedroom before. henry and charlotte fanfiction jealous If you ship Jaele or Chenry you may continue reading. She was a goddess and he was lucky she even wanted to date a peasant like him. Due to the events of The Bucket Trap, Jasper believes they are exes.