Please bring them back Nabisco!!!! Dave in Texas - December 11, 2007 - Report this comment My grandmother, mother, step-dad and other relatives use to work for Nabisco (anywhere from office, management & factory workers). I sooo love these cookies!! PLEASE BRING THESE BACK, NABISCO!!! please nabisco,start making ideal cookies again, Hello good folks, have had a time with my momery, and can you believe after (3) years the name of this cookie finally came to me, it was the "IDEAL", these cookies were made in the 60's also, and looking on the shelves, and going to hundreds of grocery stores I could never find them. I would weigh 500 lbs more than I do now if they didn't, and willing to pay alot per bag so I'd be broke. OK, so what WAS it about the Ideal bars? What happened to Bacon Thins crackers? - Wise-Answer What's the problem? Please, Please bring them back. In regards to the Trader Joes Pretzels. After reading the previous post, I got in my car and drove 45 minutes to Trader Joes and purchased a bag. Perfect. If we get enough attention it will spread like wildfire. I found that the peanut butter Twix is similar, but these are hard to find. Please, please, please Nabisco. I too was an Ideal Bar Addict. yes bring back the ideal cookie bar! Lets band together!!! Seems Nabisco has no choice but to bring them back. Pretty close! Oh My God do I have a story about these cookies!!! Ideals were awesome cookies. I am emclosing the text of the email. Are there any other theories out there? The makers of Oreo took the design of a cookie called "Hydrox," and despite it's less-than-appeasing name, it was truly the first chocolate sandwich cookie with creme in the middle. The Rise, Fall, and Return of Hydrox Cookies, the Proto-Oreo So i made the recipe as per instructions, with only one change: swapping in a cup of rice flour for the cup of potato flour. Please, Nabisco, Please! Unfortunately the quality from Nabisco was not consistent. Dip cookies in the melted dark chocolate and let cool in the freezer. Once this decision is made, we stop making the product and the remaining supply is shipped from our warehouse to the grocery stores. Anyway, I wish they would bring them back, That would make the perfect Mothers Day present:), I'm glad it wasn't my imaginationI have had dreams of those fantastic cookie bars! The Ideal cookies were also a great treat in our household. I wish Nabisco would either start making them again or provide a recipe for us to make them. 8 Discontinued Oreo Flavors | Mental Floss Maybe we could petition to get them backwho is with me, OMG! Grew up in the Detroit area . It's funny; now that I am middle aged and have enough money to buy these at any time they are not available. ;-) THANKS. Its comforting knowing my insanity has friends. I also LOVED Ideal Cookie bars. I like having more choices than I get now. I guess it was supposedly the heat that they stopped manufacturing these cookies. They didn't make them in the summer, so when it cooled down, we immediately started asking for them. I found this site this morning. Another favorite of mine was TostettesI loved them because they were so moist and full of fruit and had a little sprinkle of sugar on topjust the right amount (cold or hot). Made the call. Addicted to Ideal cookies in the 70's . Ideal Cookies were the BEST!!! What I can't understand is why Nabisco a consumer company won't even comment. to which he replied, they were no longer stocking them on shelves in the warmer months. These were definitely the best cookies. Then, I'd eat the ends of each bar first. Nabisco Ideal Bars were by far, the best cookie ever. My mom and I were just talking about good cookies that are no longer available. They are both treasured cookies. I'd feel 30 years younger if I could just get 2 packages (okay, maybe three. I kind of make a substitute with Ritz crackers, peanut butter and melted chocolate chips. If Nabisco R & D folks actually took the time to read these comments, they just might realize they could make a product that would put the "Peanut Butter" cup in the trash forever. Hi, it;s me again. please bring back this tasty, tasty treat. They were even better cold. I would pay almost anything to have these on the shelf again. Regenstein explained that the process of koshering an oven is done by a rabbi with an unexpected tool: a . Submit a link to more information about Ideal Cookies. Nabisco are you listening? Loved Ideals-The Very Best! I never got over losing the Ideal Bars. Unite. You won't be sorry!! With all these people clamoring for these cookies, I wonder why they ever stopped making them. I certainly DON'T, and my not buying cookies shows it!!!! and Cheese Nips. But no kidding -Nothing can substitute for Ideals. Wonderful, great combo!! Every trip down the cookie isle, I scan every shelf looking for them. Maybe I will email Keebler and encourage them to check out this site - for sure there's a demand - so how 'bout they provide the supply - :). I bought some Pinwheels the other day and the real chocolate melting in my fingertip reminded me of IDEALS. Then she dunked the whole thing in melted semi-sweet chocolate chips. I would absolutely love to introduce these cookies to my adult children and grands. They were the best. The woman I spoke with was quite nice as I recall but had no answer as to why they had discontinued the product. I've been telling my husband about these for a while now. Now I know I am not crazy, they really did exist. My sister and I have been wishing the same thing all of you are, Nabisco bring them back, "Little Debbie", put them in all the stores where your snacks are soldLiz. I have tried to find something similar, but no way can anything else compare. I keep telling my grandkids about them and they can't believe me or wontPLEASE BRING THESE WONDERFUL TREATS BACK !! PLEASE bring this cookie back. I would bite off one end and submerge it in a glass of ice cold milk, it would absorb the milk and the center would be soft encased in the crunchy chocolate. My mom always kept a package in the house. Timmy D PGH WE will prevail. Ideal cookie bars were the BEST. I sent an email directly to the company and didn't even receive the courtesy of a reply. Golderberger had some thoughts on the Hydrox, too. I thought they might only be a local New England product but see now it was nation wide. Does nabisco still make uneeda biscuits? Fan of SnackWell's Devil's Food Cookie Cakes grapples with new version How can something SO Good, SO Popular, So Beloved, disappear without a trace, a sequel, a follow-up, or especially, an apology?! It was child abuse I tell ya. I don't ever remember having them but it sounds like they were very tasty. I have never tasted anything remotely like the Ideal bars. There was only one store in our little town that carried them. Have missed my favorite cookie for years. My sister, my best friend (who passed away at the age of 39)introduced the Ideal cookie to me. google_color_border = "E7F0EB"; i never thought i would be so besotted with a cookie, but i love this cookie and was so disappointed to learn they were no longer made. They were the BEST!! Last time I had these was 4/17/80, my birthday, and I'm still dreaming about them 30 years later bring em back! YOU CANNOT HAVE THIS MANY PEOPLE WANTING THIS COOKIE AND IGNORE THEM. PLEASE BRING THEM BACK, NABISCO! We have so many fancy specialty items available (specialty beers; wines; whiskeys; cheeses; music; tuna; ice cream (Ben & Jerry's); candy; etc.) I just came from the store and was looking for them. I don't buy cookies or pudding any more, but I would buy Ideal Bars and Spoon Candyso would many baby boomers. I googled Ideal cookies tonight and am absolutely STUNNED at how many people LOVED these cookies as much as me!!!!! LEMON COOLERS! Devour is the word that someone used on this thread, and I have to say, I totally understand where you are coming from. Ideal cookies were the best cookies ever. The following are comments left about Ideal Cookies from site visitors such as yourself. When I was in my 20s and did not have to worry about weight or health, I would consume and ENTIRE box all by myself during an evening with glasses of milk. Cannot understand why Nabisco will not bring them back. Wow, I had no idea "THEY" were gone forever, I thought they were just lost. Im 49 and that was the best cookie ever made lets all call Nabisco i would buy the recipe if they'd sell it to me damn i loved them cookies. The only thing that I have found that even comes close is a Peanut Butter Twix. How difficult can this be? They were so wonderful!! google_color_link = "A74403"; I used to ask for them in my Easter basket and in my Christmas stocking! I cannot believe the number of people who remember these cookies! I remember them not being available in the summer months and assume this was because the chocolate would melt. I also feel the same way about the old Hershey 'Bar None' candy bar, which only lasted a short timeduring the 1990's. The absolute best cookie I have ever had. Nabisco also used to sell assortment packages that are no longer produced. Nabisco is not afraid of experimenting with its Oreo flavors. I used to love Ideal Bars: there was a certain salty sweet inside "crunch", and the way the outside chocolate used to melt, so you had to eat it faster, especially in the summer! evenings watching TV and eating a package of them with Daddy & cold white milk. I remember the package being a single layer of chocolate dipped peanut butter bars, maybe about a dozen lined up back to back. Come on Nabisco, BRING THEM BACK!! Under the Jewish dietary laws of kosher, pigs, the source of lard, are a forbidden food. The company started as a bakery in Massachusetts in 1792, baking and selling biscuits called "pilot bread" for sailors on sea voyages. That was where all the sweets were kept. If you don't believe me, read this: When are you going to wise up and bring back the best cookie you ever made? Everyone that leaveas a comment on this page should go to and tell Nabisco that you want those cookies back!!! The price got really high and they did not sell that well. I too loved these wonderful cookies. I have never stopped thinking about those cookies. I call Nabisco every year and ask them when they are going to start making Ideal Cookie Bars again. Bring back, Bring back, Bring back that cookie to us, to us (Sung to the tune of, Oh, you'll get it:) If Anyone has a Recipe, Please Publish It! Gratitude to whomever started this stream so that I could possibly get this out of my system. Need to get these back on the market! The legacy of Sunshine Biscuits also didnt suffer too badly, and Jacob Loose died a rich man. Bring them back to way up north in Maine!! I would love to sit down and devour a few of them right now. I have been craving them for years. all cookies sold all over the world), which was valued at $30.62 billion in 2018, has been projected to expand at a compounded actual growth rate of 5.3% . I still look at the grocery store shelves to see if they are there. "Ideal Bars" were the BEST!!! 1993 Kraft General Foods acquires NABISCO ready-to-eat cold cereals from RJR Nabisco. . As a matter of fact,they were terrible. Not identical, but MUCH better than the Little Debbie's version. They patiently look them up and laugh. Please, please, please bring them back!!! I used to look forward to our Sunday visits to my grandparents. Anyone ever track down the recipe from Nabisco? If he were alive he'd want them back, too. I still have the scar and it reminds me of these wonderful cookies everyday. "So . Not only are the cookies kosher these days, but theyre made with real sugar and without GMOs. !I'm 7 years old and I NEED them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you think of dark sandwich-like cookies with a creamy white center, you probably think of Oreos, in part because Nabisco is so good at marketing. Adolphus Green is president. I am happy to have finally found the name of my absolutely favorite cookie of my life!! I do think it is wise for new management to revisit that decision againlet's hope. Iconic Dad's chocolate chip cookies discontinued, customers bitter - CBC I would love it if the Ideal bars would come back. After a few seconds the insides would be all smooshy. They were our special treat. If you want a good substitute, though remember that it's merely a substitute, try the Trader Joe's Chocolate-covered Peanut Butter Pretzels. On my birthday as a 'Twenty Something' I asked for Ideal cookies instead of a cake!! There were air gaps between the various layers of the one cookie I ate so far. has over 100K business products in-stock, up to 80% savings, industry-leading service, FREE 1- to 2-day delivery over $49*! Maybe they didnt make enough profit or something. they were and are my favorite cookies,no other peanut butter cookie bar comes close, silly me I thought I was the only one missing them. The first is the IDEAL Peanut Butter Bars. I want one now! I was hoping to put the Ideal Bar in my search engine and find them on line somewhere. I am so glad I found this site. I google searched "Ideal Cookies". Here's the link everyone, tell them about it! I still check the cookie isle at the grocery store hoping to see these again. Do we have to wait until the Kraft foods no longer has the patten on the cookies. they really left an impression on me. Maybe they stopped making them because they were too expensive to make. I contacted them and received a very narrow minded canned response that they don't bring back discontinued products. We used to buy those cookies and count them out so that everyone got an equal number. If you got a package that didn't have enough PB, they were almost tasteless. I can still see the package,,,,, it was dark brown with a flat orange trim.they were THE BOMB. So what? The Streett Family. When we wanted peanut butter and chocolate at my house when I was a kid in the '60s and '70s, these are what we ALWAYS got. To put that into perspective, consider that the overall global cookies market (i.e. Mondelez International, Nabisco's Chicago-based parent company, makes some of its snacks in Mexico, but it said in a news release that production from Fair Lawn and Atlanta, where it is closing. Please we need to unite and get Nabisco to bring the Ideal bar cookie back. would be really neat if they reintroduced the Ideal Bars and one would hope the flavor would be the same if so? Lets face it: Nabisco has changed hands numerous times since Ideal Peanut Butter Bars went off the market and, as far as I'm concerned, the quality of their product has gone WAY down since. I'll bet Elvis did too! Nabisco needs to GET RID of all the OREO and Chips Ahoy varieties, and bring REAL diversity back to the cookie aisle.The text of the email is as follows: I know of 4 cookies you need to bring BACK!!!!! Please bring them back. More like this. Ideal bars are by far the best cookie of my childhood. I frequently speak of these cookies and how incredible they were. My dad and I reminisce about them, too. Oreo Flavors You'll Sadly Never Get To Try Again - it worked for betty white on snl, maybe it would work for ideal bars! "You have to have the right. There is no time like the present to re-introduce them to the market. (Making matters worse: 1998 was the first year that Oreo itself went kosher for the first time.). I snuck them down and proceded to eat every single one of them in that brown, orange, and see- through wrapper. Nabisco has been making Teddy Grahams since 1988, according to The Retro Network.Almost immediately after debuting, the sweet treats became staples in kids' lunch boxes and a favorite after-school snack. Nothing taste as good as the ideal cookie. Great site, was looking for Caravelle candy bars and then searched for the Ideal bars. The best cookie of the 60s and 70s. They will make tons of $$$ dough on this cookie annually. There obviously must have been a quiet, well financed deal made for Nabisco to "bow out" of the competition! A few years back when Nabisco told me that they were discontinued, I was crushed. Maybe they'll catch on. I miss Ideal cookies and they were my favorite store bought cookie in the seventies. PLEASE Nabisco!!!! My husband promised me a case of them if we ever saw them again - which we have not. I actually e-mailed nabisco and asked where i could still buy them they sent me a letter stating they never sold cookies by that name. Well I'm glad I'm not crazy!!! They were FAR BETTER than ANY peanut cookie and/or candy bar available today, INCLUDING the Nutter Butter cookies you make today. Let's keep up the support for more Ideal Cookies.I have grandsons that need to savor the flavor..I don't think my kids even got to experience it!!