And this stuff will haunt your pipes for eternity. Where's my jug o'grog? The moisture is perfect, you can put it directly in the bowl or can leave it to dry as long as you wish. It has a similar effect of a good Sichuan pepper, a bit of a tingling sensation on the palate. Definitely a blen d I refuse to ever run out of. Pirate Kake rates 2 stars. A must try for the latakia-haulics! Highly recommend with the caveat that you like a Lat bomb. 40 or 50% may be the highest worthy of time. I love the full-on tastiness of this tobacco Im going to bury (cellar) a ton of this treasure. Has a waxy essence to it and if you enjoy Latakia this will be a go to blend. On the positive side: the "cut" (or presentation) of this cake tobacco is superb. Its packed with a perfect punch, with just enough bite. Absolutely no indication of bite even when puffing vigorously. Pre light draw is sweet latakia and some oriental notes. Followed by a couple hours later and you can still taste it in your mouth just as strong as if you just took a bite, and you want that flavor out of your mouth by any means necessary.. but the horror sets in when you discover that no amount of alcohol, oral hygiene products, or other means can help you. There's not much to say about this one, except Latakia. I guess I am one of the lucky ones, I can smoke Latakia in the house. Alla fine un Ottimo prodotto, se si sa cosa si compra. The bars rub out easily enough, and the moisture content is almost right for smoking straight out of the tin, though 20 minutes of drying time doesn't hurt. Leaving a creamy and peppery aftertaste that lingers, this is a modest Latakia bomb, and maybe my favourite Latakia blend yet! This may very well go up to four stars then. I will be stocking up on this heavily. Similar Blends: Creosote soaked camel's dung.. UPDATE 12/20 I am not one to question the manufacturer or to doubt the voracity of other reviewers but this tobacco is one that I must break my norm Disclaimers: this is an art not a science, tobacco ages and flavors may change, all people taste things differently, etc, etc, etc 70% + Latakia means one thing: Latakia is what you taste Burley as a base on its best day isn't overpowering Latakia in any dimension except Vitamin N. I have read hundreds of reviews from a few of the TR prolific reviewers, and their variance in opinion on topics like this is remarkable. Id like to thank whatever pirate blended this one up because its incredible. A hack I do with cake when loading the bowl is use a good ribbon cut as the first pinch. The block came from smoking pipes vacuum packed and looking more illicit than anything I've ever gotten in the mail. A pinch off the kake was easily crumbled in my palm, and one match got it going. Will be ordering a couple lb pound bags next time. Tobacco is soft and dry. I knew I would like this blend based on your reviews. PK made the top 5 list. But I detect none. In fact, it isn't fit to be called a blend at all since it is the same as smoking straight latakia, not a blend of different tobaccos. First is a plum and woodsy taste, different than I thought this blend isn't aggressive, your smoke is creamy and fill your mouth. This is neither a tobacco for noobs or for those who like aromatics. This leaves my mouth feeling bitten for a day or two afterwards. Breaking off pieces of this luscious, indulgent cake, rubbing it out and preparing it in the pipe is half the fun. I've only been smoking pipes for about, oh, two months now. If the ratings here at tobaccoreviews were based on letters of the alphabet instead of stars, I would give this ?Pirate? I had it with my morning coffee and when I lick my lips it tastes like there's a sweet creamer in the coffee, which there isn't as I take my coffee like I take my tobacco Black and delicious. Pairs up well with Islay scotches. The best latakia tobacco ever. This is one of my favorite blends, but it is not for a beginner or for one who is a novice smoker of English tobacco blends. Delicious and not overbearing although it is heavier than most other blends, and it should be, because thats w hat it was blended to be. You can even just pack the kake bits. And, I mean nothing. Whilst very heavy with Latakia it sips light and smooth, not at all like the Latakia laden English and Balkan blends I'm more familiar with. This is a top shelf blend worthy of a try by any latakia lover. One of the best tobacco's I have tried.Superior in every has an interesting sour note in a good way. Highly recommended for Lat-Heads. It was very smoky yet smooth (smelled a bit like a camp fire). But I give it credit for it?s unique presentation and the courage to produce it at all. that just makes this blend too much for me. Being a lover of Penzance, this is just as satisfying and the best It tastes like it smells pretty much. Without question, the different sized chunks of tobacco, with different blends of leaf, is at the root of the many different sub-flavors that manifest during the bowl. The next day PK lights right up and smokes all the way through. I think a 5% more of it and it would be a really great blend! If your looking for Latakia, then search no further, this has it. So, I sat back down and enjoyed the rest of the bowl! It's complex because latakia in itself is complex, and you can taste this fine leaf without any bitterness from less than premium leaf or obstruction from too many other flavors. Burns well and leaves a soft, fine ash. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco Can - 2oz Item# 2324 $14.95 Availability: Usually ships the next business day Total Price: Qty: A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) Not quite balanced, but nearly so. I realized I needed to take this sample and let it sit overnight with a damp towel over a bowl. God might be in the Va/Per or aromatic camp. The Burley just donates body and rounds up the mixture. With that said, it would be lovely with just a little more Orientals in the mix; say, 50% Latakia with the deficit filled with Turkish leaf. Strength is medium, body is medium, flavour is medium plus. Oh and it happens to just be the perfect pairing with a dark cup of muddy coffee. Sometimes this is the only thing I smoke all day. While for me Penzance is for special occasions, Pirate Kake is the perfect last smoke of the day for every day. Starting the weekend with a new one from Robertson Pipes and some 2016 McClelland. , , . Dispite being mostly latakia it's actually not quite the punch in the mouth you'd think it would be. I still don't see this as an all day smoke , but I will buy again. I have one on hand aging, but will wait for another purchase to get another tin going. I detect no other tobacco flavor but Latakia, which happens to be high quality, but definitely not my thing in this quantity. And like other heavy latakia blends, this one tends to make me thirsty. The tobacco is not super pressed, its easy to rub and easy to fill your pipe (unlike Seattle Pipe Clubs Plum Pudding). First mistake: too much Latakia. Quiet Nights as my favorite. Kick back and enjoy this strong blend, not for the faint of heart! I think I have hit the same result as the Dolly record. I also pickup some oriental mustiness but unlike most English blends, this has zero balance the oriental is an afterthought that you pickup on the exhale but not when the smoke is in your piehole. I always have some with me. No Flavoring detected. Historic volume and value sizes, company and brand market shares. A single step goes in all directions. yes, I am in lust at the moment, but love might follow. Very complex tobacco that I'm glad I have more to sample! When I lit it up, my sample smoked like a purring kitten. It's really not what I consider a "Latakia Bomb" with an obtrusive Latakia aroma! The kake arrived moist. Hearth and Home 10 to Midnight was out of stock, so I decided to give Pirate Kake a try. Create New Wish List; Facebook; Email; Print; Twitter; . At first you are like.. wow this is fantastic. There are a quite a few stems in my batch, I might go as far as to call it stemmy. As was stated in my earlier review of a sample I did end up purchasing a couple tins of this. I like this tobacco. With the majority of this being Latakia, you should know what to expect. Tobacco is soft and dry. I decided to wait a while to review this one because I kept bouncing back and forth from loving to hating it. It is a very different taste from what I normally go for (I tend to like those hideous 'soapy' tobaccos from over the pond) but not something I believe is for me. I even find myself occasionaly inhaling this, something I rarely ever do when smoking a pipe. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Premium Pipe Tobacco As it says, Latakia predominates, but there are some sweet spicy notes making their presence known as well. It was more pleasant than I expected. This blend lacks balance and should not be smoked by a newbie wishing to try their first English tobacco. You'll know in a heart-beat whether you truly love Latakia - or just think you do. While it lacks the subtle complexity of Esoterica's "Penzance," PK delivers a lovely, creamy, cool smoke that leaves amazing flavors on the palate. And I would recommend it smoked with a dark beer. I enjoyed it immensely and it really fed the itch for something different. Pressed plug, quite compressed, so I'm not sure I'd call it a kake, but still not as dense and fine as a traditional English plug. new from tin at b&m. Pirate kake has that nutty burly and the sour orientals in the background of a sea of Latakia. Peaty sort of flavor to it. It has not been a nasty surprise this buy, otherwise. It still took a fair amount of relights to get it going each time. I dont resist. Pipe Used: Stanwell Bjarne Nielsen, Peterson, Corncob. The great thing about smoking a bowl of this is that it's the same through- out. I really do not smoke this straight, but I do enjoy adding this to many of the blends I enjoy that need an extra kick of Latakia. It is not an all day smoke, but it IS my at least once-a-day smoke! In the pipe it was hard to discern the accompanying tobaccos from the Latakia. Really enjoy it anytime of day mostly in the morning with a cup of coffee. And so I will begin with the tin note. I appreciate GLP Maltese Falcon and Odissey, that I find more enjoyable and round than this. It is sweet, cool and almost minty. Not overly complex but not monochromatic either. For it IS a fun and unique tobacco. I don't think I will be buying another tin, but it was a good experience. I prefer Samuel Gawith's Commonwealth. It is smooth, no harshness at all. But Pirate Kake is definitely in that ball park IMHO. It is unidimensional and stays the same throughout the smoke, again, not a bad thing. This one is just not for me. I disagree with a lot of the reviewers that claim that this blend lacks complexity. A Latakia lover's treasure. The burley appears for a moment after lighting, then steps back to make way for full- force latakia with bits of tasty turkish aroma punctuating. But there is something very special in there that gives me a level of satisfaction thats hard to find. Pirate Kake is very smooth and it produces copious amounts of fragrant smoke with consistent flavor. I find the blend very relaxing and I am still working through the sample ounce I purchased. Upon opening the tin I immediately got the strong smell of Latakia, but there was a little more that just that. The oriental component is actually very noticeable. In summary, this seems to be a Penzance lite. Wow. Tastes smoky with mineral overtones. In this sense, it is a deep digging mixture, not heavy, quite campfire smoky, not leathery, without horse-stable notes. This one stays creamy mild all the way, an occasional sourness & then sweetness, both pleasant, don't really shake up the Latakia's prominence. Not all that much one can say about a 70% Latakia blend, but the real coolness of this is in the presentation. Pirate Kake comes pressed, probably to get the Turkish and burley to combine with the Latakia's smokey flavor. One dimensional taste. I love latakia. I agree with earlier reviewers who think this is Syrian latakia. bomb! Slightly spicy, woodsy, heavier on the Latakia, rich, pungent tobacco. This is not a complex smoke. Needless to say this is something that I now smoke daily and I encourage you to as well. Glad I gave it a shot and a second try. Im normally an aromatic smoker but was intrigued by this. Shiver me timbers brethern of the coast this here be one tobacco that land lubers and weak of knees should leave be. But as you go deeper the Latakia conquers the palate bringing with it an intensely rich, savory and smoky flavor. Mouthfeel seems a bit more mellow or creamier if you will, while I find less of a spicy tongue bight. Burns consistently once lit. I could almost imagine this as a Latakia lovers perfect morning smoke, whereas I had it more in mind as the last smoke of the day. Power level is about two ticks below medium so those Enthusiast who like a bit more power will need to enjoy this as a snack. In my opinion, Pirate Kake is missing the added character, or that little bit of something extra that's needed to elevate it to the status of other top-shelf blends in its class. I have smoked about 7 oz. Usually right after work. I can hardly wait to see how this tastes a couple of years down the road. This may truly be thee fynest treasure in the seven seas!! I love it! It smells very strongly of Latakia in the pouch. Lataika bomb. Pipe Used: Ashton ELX Brindle Billiard - 2007 NASPC yearpipe. It's only from smoking PK many times that I can barely, barely detect other tobaccos here. This is exactly what I look for in a latakia blend. I find that by the time I get to the last 1/3 of the bowl, I'm on overload. It smells amazing." A gold-hearted thug of a blend. This is the ultimate Lat-Bomb. A few bites in you decide that it's just ok.. then a few more bites.. nope, I've had enough. Right up my alley as I burn wood to heat the house. One of my favorite after-dinner, sitting on the porch, watching-the-glaciers-move pipes is a "latakia parfait", constructed thusly: In a tallish bowl combine first Old Ironsides as broken flakes (bottom third), next crumbled Pirate Kake (middle third), and finally Commonwealth Mixture (top third of bowl).