Were going to put it to an end to it. Most of you know that we lost three channels over the weekend, some of you who dont know, I have a solution for everybody when this happens now. Here it isnt. About Q Gear; Shop. Im glad you came on here. The information warfare, the misinformation coming out, the infiltrators into what we call the Patriot movement are the truth or is that its kind of a strange name. Lets say you go to the channel that you were on the last show and youre like, Hey, whats going on? Thanks for thanks for hanging in here tonight. We are using a secure payment processor called STRIPE. That is the enemy. Were gonna get there. But can you can you tell our listeners a bit about like the video when we learned about about you and your career and what youve done and what youve taken back in the days when that worm Fauci was back there at CDC. I sat here for an hour. Im a professional woman traveling. And standing your ground. Also check out the latest on all of the battleground 2020 election audits at: Elections. Enjoy. Patriot Streetfighter Scott Mckay interview on His Glory: Whistleblowers are Coming Forward. Heres whats interesting. All the communications I get from people, they always self identify as a patriot streetfighter, all you people around other countries that are watching this, just remember, I said this for six months. Follow Conspiracy Music Guru Here. its alright come on into were on the were on the radio here come say hi, 1:07:02 Soon as like the back of the door downstairs past the same person. coast pussy the kingship cop Santa Barbara airport King Shanna Barbara, 48:46 This website is ran by just me. Ive never had a strike three. And and just throughout this 40 year career behind me as my PhD from George Washington University, which I defended on November 14 1991. Scott Mckay Patriot Streetfighter - Elite Industry Entrepreneur 2023 I just havent prioritized that I was critical. In fact, hes going to pick up the gas, and the hotels for me. So we together lock arms and say were going to put an end to this. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Anyways. Its on the gate. And it has to do with why we went into Afghanistan, right? Shipping Policy Know who God is. You may breathe fumes. So shes laying on his lap. Its perspective. I never get to strike three. NOTICE: This site is purely a religious organization, anything that seems like political or health based discussion is simply our religious doctrine and beliefs. Sorry, I just wanted to make sure they were clear who, 23:07 With the exception of the ones I mentioned, louie Gohmert, Jim Jordan, a couple other patriots in there. The world is waking up and this is the tipping point. there are rare ducks out there. And its not unusual that nobodys gotten on the plane in this time. Theyre at least not dangerous. Chicago Inmates Sound the ALARM - SICK Plot to Influence Mayoral Election EXPOSED! And of course, same thing back and forth. Return Policy So I worked in medicine, why I made these drugs I made therapeutics in strat and curative strategies both from the plants both from in targeted therapies for 22 years im not against making drugs i made those drugs but you dont use them wrong like you used with hydroxychloroquine published fraudulent paper oh wait a minute after it turns out to work same thing with suramin in in 2015 suramin isnt as an anti retroviral therapy and its a natural its not a natural its just 100 year old synthetic drug made by monsanto or bayer now owned by monsanto african sleeping sickness while a double blind placebo controlled study in 2015 showed oh wait a minute people with x mrv and autism they got their life back they started talking again what did bayer and the government do take it away from everybody when i did clinical trials and they end and patients responded well to a drug they stopped the study and gave the drug to everybody so youre right its a murder machine and it goes on everythings about denying the contaminants the animal viruses not limited to and bacteria think of chronic lyme disease you know its not lyme connecticut named after a place the limes are in my glass most of the time and you know this is you know its borrelia its its borrelia and babesia mycoplasma mold all those things that were associated with herpes viruses that were going through the needle in these shots or as a part of a contaminated blood supply so these were the people getting sick and and and the governments been lying to you so you know i i get on this plane and it and i only thought about this part in retrospect because so i get on the plane and you know and im laughing as i look at the and ive got the mask on and im not thinking about it because ive worn it on to other flights you know one with robert f kennedy jr one with reverend tony muhammad of the nation of islam and no im not thinking about it normally im a bit tense thinking im going to have to do the mass game and in this time i was just i was just working im just going to a conference im excited about teaching the doctors because i know the doctors want to help their patients so i get on she she says good morning and hands me the toxic and sanitizer you know then i say you know and im probably looking at my phone and i say no thank you good morning no thank you and i go take my seat which is to d and i put my my backpack up in the overhead my briefcase right next to the window and my see she comes behind me and says and says youre not wearing that mask and i turned around literally incredulous i may pardon me i didnt say sorry i wont say that either, 42:59 Youre the same story. So anyway, so you can get to the shop there. Click below to find out more about Operation Tomahawk! This time I just use silver because I gave the silver copper to somebody going overseas and I figured they needed it more. immunology, well learn the depths of that are correct me on that, Dr. Judy, but you have been on the front line, if I remember, properly is back accurately was back might have been the 80s when we were looking at the HIV explosion in a very critical time. Its a its a heavy weight. 10 Things you Never knew about Scott McKay Patriot Street Fighter Im so pissed off about what was done not just to anybody, but specifically you and Ben for the reasons why and I want to I want to go right into that real fast. Why are these people any different, you have every opportunity in this world to do what Ive done to say, Hmm, this is suspicious. Derek Johnson, Captain Kyle, Tironianae & Kelly: Law & Order, Trump We know it has aborted fetal particles in it of some sort. Have a nice day. Fort Worth. David Hogg Already GIVES UP His Liberal Pillow Company!! Patriot Talk: Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter Interview W/ Francine And Allen of In The Prophetic. So I direct people to these other patriots out there, so you can gather information from them. We talk about whats coming, where the battle is and the signs of the times. But the fact of the matter is is theyve overstepped their bounds theyre called her mandate if you want but this people when I when I call these institutions, even you cant capitalistic institutions. I had a couple of places in Vegas. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. All rights reserved. 8:13 We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter offers the Tomahawk Peace Pipe. By Kerry Cassidy March 9, 2021 1 Min Read. Hes from the Philly area. This is the Patriot Street Fighter Glock 19 heavy Armored Division built this for me. And Im sitting there, whats he doing? This will ignite all the other good guys in the department to step up and say you know what? These people are scumbags. You might get sick. Neutralizing the Spike Protein: Shikimic Acid*. But at least we keep the world at least we keep our freedom, right. So yeah, make sure that you go to big bat usa.org big bat usa.org if you need to donate to Robert David Steels operation there and see what else again, you see, you can still do anything. Just like the yellow vest. Thats a difficult one for many people, because its far its far outside of the parameters of things that weve been taught to understand. So this security guard says take the glasses off, take the hat off, take the mask off, which I do and and then I put it all back on. The enslavement issue. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. All these people that have like, again, and hes a wonderful guy. So he made that and send it over to me. And I hate to say this, but if I cant get a chance to meet a number of you while were there. We know the Dallas Buyers Club where Matthew McConaughey he got an Academy Award several decades later, where there were forcing these young men to get Oh, hepatitis vaccines, anybody in a higher risk category. Theme: Newsup by Themeansar. "This is the time to take steps, this is the time to take action to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon," said Cohen during a press conference with his German counterpart, Annalena Baerbock. Fauci is, you know, 1520 years older, hes not gonna 20 years old, or hes not going to talk to a nothing 20 something year old female really matters, the misogyny in science, its like, oh, you wonder about the me to movement of a few years ago. THE SITE IS NOW HTTPS secure. (Recommended). And there Ive got an electron microscope graphs showing the carbon nanofibers, the toxic everything toxic, we know theyre sprayed with Teflon against prop 65 its absolutely the worst possible mask you could possibly wear especially if youre like me, and you have a lung disease pleurisy and and you got infected with contagious contagious cancer causing x xmrv as acknowledged by the federal government and chopped chapter eight of our first book play. Anyways, but thats fine. 2:08 You know, hopefully we get a little, you know, get a little intro to general or Sydney. But for to hear you telling this story. But the thing that you have to understand people is this. Youre supposed to be a peace officer protecting the people. This is 11, as you know, but were going to keep the bikini bottom double as a mask for some dudes out there. Theyre predicated on one fact, theyre going to fight for you and defend you. So there are people here other heroes like Peter Duesberg, Charles ORTLIEB and others that said, HIV doesnt cause aids, Dr. Peter Duesberg and activist Charles oertli. You know who wrote the book about that scumbag Fauci last year? Raising money for the East Palestine Firefighters since their equipment was destroyed by the poison launched on the town by the Cabal scumbags. And so I sit there the whole time and Im talking just as Im jogging. Im gonna get my friends, were going to go to the next meeting, were going to tell them how its going to be because they work for us. Any income made by this site is reinvested back into STN. So we went into Afghanistan. I get to bring my bike over there today. This is not my this is none of this is my normal mail. Bruce Poppy's rumble channel to watch the livestream fundraiser we are doing. And so thats thats what you have to do when youre going to doctors conference, you wont get MD committed continuing medical education if theyre anything but science. Gonna be over the nose. pushing back on this mask issue. The Greatness of 12 O'Clock High - The American Spectator | USA News PART ONE OF MY INTERVIEW WITH SCOTT MCKAY PATRIOT STREETFIGHTER who is out there waking up people on tour nonstop. Because theyre theyre not. God bless you. Where are we going to put it all because some of you folks, its set checks and things like that again. Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter With Michael Jaco & David Nino 1:40 revolution dot radio hey folks thanks for joining the broadcast if you enjoyed it please hit the like button do share it and also subscribe to the channel so you get ongoing notifications. York Times bestseller which published, you know, 40 years later, April 14 2020, or almost 40 years later. And and I and I basically, unfortunately, you know, she goes up and she goes in, shes she gets the pilot and theyre going, theyre going to call security and theyre going to do whatever theyre going to do. Its the way it works here. Again, this is the bullshit that we have been trying to digest for many, many years. And and last time I use silver copper. We are a small company & we depend on donations to continue to operate to help in our efforts in supporting the Trump movement!! And never, never did I back down. Go down through the list. And, 36:59 Sir, you do not deserve to wear that badge. 38:32 Im like, Are you freaking kidding me? We are trying to spread . And many of you guys know, you know who the worms are in the police department that do this bullshit. Im truly honored. I just poor guys. We would love to hear your feedback! Thank you Have a nice day. So what did Tony Fauci do? yay a dark cloud is finally lifting across the world as the us military intelligence and their global markets are destroying the deep state criminal power structures that have ruled over our planet, 1:15:50 So anyways, you guys are great. There is a new sheriff in town. So. So Ill leave that alone. Signing up is free and they only ask for your name and an email address. He was a deputy sheriff in Palm Beach County, Florida. Why would Trump allow this to happen? It was actually called a reduction in force. Read our Pledge HERE. Its not not necessarily unless required. So we appreciate it respected. Order by Phone at 866-388-7003 or online at https://www.herbanomics.com M - F 9am to 5pm EST . Were screaming at the rooftops about whats happening here? And Ive got this you know silver mask which basically looks like that. NEW VIDEOS AND SHOWS will be available only through subscription while past videos will continue to be free on Youtube. But patriot Street Fighter seven is ready to go we will be up on Monday and we are having Chris sky from Canada he I talked to him today he is the Canadian patriot Street Fighter I told him today you are the Canadian patriot Street Fighter with what hes doing to share the rights of the Canadian citizens in that country. And Im going to let him tell you the story. NOTE: To all those who have made donations prior to May 23, 2020 please be aware donations are not subscriptions. Ep 2 - Scott McKay (Patriot Streetfighter) 3.76K. And. I mean, they make fun I wouldnt be here without Big Pharma. All I can say is this is that those casualties that happen. Were going to spotlight every one of you cowards and want to conduct yourselves when youre supposed to be protecting Dr. Judy, from this bullshit, and youre coming in and bringing your badge with you to use it in a way you think thats appropriate. Okay, so that just gives you kind of an idea, the kind of stuff that the things that I see, and try to figure out where it fits. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and have indeed will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes. You cant hear all that stuff. This is another target for me. What it means is, I have no fork in idea. So youre going to want to hear this because this is going to be a powerful message from law enforcement tonight and I and theres a number of you other good people in the blue, that are gonna want to listen to this yourself because I believe that you people were in that blue were in that shield, the rank and file warrior warriors out there in the street trying to keep the world safe America safe, other countries safe. Therefore, Im going to try to figure out whats going on here, like many other people that are awake, we all have those choices, all of us. Read our Pledge HERE. The infiltration into this movement have tried to try to wake people up, its going to probably get nastier. And I include myself in that group. X22 Report Episode 3011: They will Need to Expose their Plan, Sacrificed Public Trust Just to Get Rid of Trump - March 02 2023 here. 1,000 Different Studies Show Extensive Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Events, read them HERE. I dont care whos in power republicans democrats. It takes absolute balls. This, again, is describing something similar to project Looking Glass. I know it might be tough in an environment like that. Scott McKay | Patriot Streetfighter. and nobody saw me not wearing a mask because I had the mask on and so that so what they did after that so he comes on the plane and and and hes gonna be a big man and hes gonna, 49:29 None of your payment info goes to us it all goes to them. Put it on my counter before I left that 15 or 20 stacked up there. Its theyre not really in my wheelhouse, but looks good to me. Wow. Shipping Policy So even Starbucks, even some nutritional supplement companies have to say if there theres a chance you get these cancer causing fumes. I know theres going to be a an event in town. So Im gonna put a call out there any Dallas patriots on Harley davidsons or even veterans, preferably veterans to you guys want to connect on Monday the 20th I think its Monday the 20th. Oh, by the way, for the tour, folks, I would suspect a number of you people might have been donating for this. Now, what are we all here we went in there because of weapons of mass destruction. Why are you stopping the people from boarding the plane? 36:10 And were going to do that I might be spending a little time this summer with Sheriff Mack on the tour that theyre putting together with Robert David Steele. If you want to find our movement, you can always find us it. Its a weekend of June, I gotta fly to Gettysburg. Do you understand what Im talking about? Right. Scott still doesnt have an email automated email system for you folks yet. I dont care who it is. So I took a mask from the the elevator keeper great people, hey, you want to mask it? Return Policy Notice: There are affiliate links present on this website, both from the control of Survive the News and from other websites that we do not control. Pal Bulletin is trying to build a Pro Trump community & it is our goal to add whatever the deplorables need and want to see on this website. And so, and then then I gave that talk persecution and cover up where I realized that the journals you know, the the propaganda that our scientific journals, and and Fauci was in control of the whole puppet game, hes hes as hes the little man behind the curtain beaten up a girl, like an old lady and a dog dodo, you know, or Dorothy and the dog, you know, the little man with no Kahuna is you know, really, you know, 22:51 We have 20 million plus followers now around the world. But anyway, but I said out loud because Im going on that flight and and Im going to these conferences in Florida so you know she I text my my my friend and my husband who had just dropped me off and said theyre taking on me off the plane, you know, help me theyre taking me off the plane. Because its a puzzle piece, you take what fits what doesnt discard it. Scott McKay.. Amazing!4.2.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST - UGETube But when you have some technology that can basically look at predict future events. mics and out of shadows, the brilliant film about Hollywood pedophilia. As I said, Im going to go as far as I can. Operation Tomahawk from Patriot Streetfighter on Vimeo. SEE AND JOIN MY TELEGRAM CHANNEL And these people dont look, I was in an echo chamber in the Republican Party. So this is a problem when they say pull it up over your nose because I cant pull it up over my mat mouth. 51:05 - Supports Healthy Inflammation Response. So God bless you. I want so I watch Santa Barbara is a very small airport I want I I walk in Ive got the same mask. Im working Republican politics. Learn What NESARA/GESARA is HERE. They just made us believe that it is and they have the power and control as a dictatorship. - Must Video. Privacy Policy Also, this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. And the and for my security detail. Share this post: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on Reddit Share on Telegram Share on LinkedIn. And anyways, folks, Judy Mike ovitz is her education, if I understand correctly, is in rheology. You are a peace officer. That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government. And I jumped right into fort Dietrich Frederick Maryland and and and just the plague of corruption, which is what our book our new year. Also Check out our Telegram Feed for all of the Latest News! But when she came forward and outed what these criminals do, how they do it, from the HIV era, how they will take scientists, high level scientists, and if they dont tow the Big Pharma line, or wherever the kazarian game plan is, theyll destroy their career that never get published, dont ever become prominent. | Ive got a call from clay said hes a big fan of yours. Theres something else Im forgetting here. And you know Im in the airport, I go up the stairs with the mat or the escalator with the mask on. Whats the motivation? My belief is that people in the blue are going to be the ones that help tip that in our favor. If if thats necessary, maybe we all get to you know shake hands give hugs all that kind of stuff in Tulsa. Its it says triple A or man mesh. Its not over. So most important thing is you have to discern the truth for yourself most important thing if people dont start to think for themselves folks and are going to wake up, I can tell you this. For the Latest Palbulletin posts please also visit: Also check out the latest on all of the battleground 2020 election audits at: Want to also know what General Flynn, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Patrick Byrne and others are posting on social media? We will not monetize this channel . And we agreed never to say the G word for me. 48:03 Ill kind of figured out what how I figured out how I learned that. 2:18 It was an echo chamber. There. And when they rejected it, you know, and and this is the kind of garbage you get in peer review.