ampletime to check emails and study. This does The Union and Management will identify an equitable distribution of the preferred work areas, watches, and RDOs between Management and bid assignments. Upon request, the Post and Bid administrator shall meet periodically with Union representatives for the purpose of reviewing compliance with the Post and Bid procedures. met with the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) to meet and confer on reasonable accommodation), limited light duty, or other clearly articulated operational reasons including client demands. California (effective 1/1/2020 through 6/30/2023). Overtime for employees subject to the provisions of the FLSA is defined as: "all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a period of one hundred sixty-eight (168) hours or seven (7) consecutive twenty-four (24) hour periods.". For CDCR, CDCR-DJJ, and CCHCS, departments that implement an annual post and bid, the seniority list shall be published according to the annual post and bid process described below. Eligible employees may bid for posted positions by submitting a form specified on the notice inviting bids as specified by the hiring department (appointing authority). Seniority is based on total months of state service. include: Our Union team met again with the Employment Development The holidays to which this compensation applies are the third Monday in January, the third Monday in February, March 31, November 11, the day after Thanksgiving. this topic. The needs of the State include the right to fill vacant positions using existing eligible or promotional lists, involuntary transfers, reassignments or other selection methods for reasons such as affirmative action, special skills, abilities or aptitudes. The Flex-Elect Benefit Plan cash option shall be reinstated July 1, 2022. The State and the Union shall meet and confer for purposes of entering into an agreement about the means by which qualified employees are notified and provided with such assignments. . The Task Force will make a recommendation by December 1, 2020. A Seasonal Clerk employee will be subject to the provisions of section 8.1, Vacation/Annual Leave. Ties shall be broken first by total state service and then by lot. Fund) from implementing a serious violation of our contract by Upon request of the Union, the parties shall meet at the local level to resolve any concerns regarding the overtime seniority system for Unit 15 employees at the specific facility, institution, or hospital. Read more IL: BOMA Janitorial 2018-2021. Reach out to us by email at or call 651-243-2388 to talk to a Union Organizer! We became aware of this new process because some of our When the employees shift relief does not report for work or gave less than two (2) hours notice of intent not to report for work, an employee may be mandated if no volunteer is available. The State and the Union recognize there are various licenses and certifications held by the employees. The twenty-four (24) month bid cycle begins in the month of October, for those employees who wish to participate. The Union and Management will identify an equitable distribution of the preferred work areas, watches, and RDOs between Management and bid assignments. offices statewide. For the purpose of this provision "seniority" is defined as one point for each qualifying month of full-time state service. For all CDCR, OCE, Unit 3 eligible employees, when a premium holiday falls on an employee's unassigned, non-work day, and the employee is required to work, the employee shall receive eight (8) hours of holiday credit and four (4) hours of informal time off. Employees must assume the assignment within sixty (60) days of the posting of the bid results. The Superintendent of Education may grant, upon request of a permanent full-time DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employee, a leave of absence for the thirty (30) day Summer Session up to thirty (30) scheduled work days. This request shall not exceed a total of thirty (30) calendar days. The posted notice shall be dated and on a form designed for that purpose and shall include the following criteria: Employees may bid on the posted assignment by filling out a bid form provided by the State. This review is pursuant to Section 19829.5 of the Government Code. Since 1982, rank-and-file civil service employees in California State government have been covered by collective bargaining, a process for negotiating wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. The improved quarter factors also apply to past service that is credited under the State Safety retirement category. Employees so dismissed, except those on probation, shall have an opportunity to stipulate to a last-chance agreement. to minimize those delays. Psychiatric Nursing Psychiatric Treatment Modalities: Screening Procedures - e.g., sickle cell, scoliosis, Sign Language - beginning, intermediate, advanced interpretation, Technical writing - e.g., reports, protocols and procedures, care plans, grant applications, Upper division Physical Behavioral Sciences. This request will be honored by the non-requesting party in the form of a meeting within thirty (30) days of the request; An employee alleging seniority date errors/disputes and is unable to resolve the problem with verbal communication shall submit the employee's complaint to the first formal level of review within the normal time frames specified in the grievance process; Hire, promotion, reinstatement, transfer from within the facility or from another State agency. The State agrees to conduct a classification review of the Exhibit Designer-Installer positions, used at the California Science Center. Management shall make every attempt not to schedule BU 20 LVNs: More than four (4) involuntary overtime shifts per month, effective January 2, 2020,and no more than three (3) overtime shifts per month effective July 1, 2021, and implement reductions in accordance with Article 19.38 and the Joint Labor Management Task Force; or. Upon request of the Union, departments will provide a copy of the employee's formal written flexible work hours and alternate work schedule policies. The vacant assignments that have been determined by Management to be filled by bid shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this section. Part time employees shall be subject to the same conditions as stated above, on a pro-rated basis. The tentative "awarding" of the position will be announced on the EDDNet within five (5) working days after the bidding process is closed. The training will consist of an explanation and demonstration of the proper way to set up an individual workstation to prevent fatigue and injuries, instruction on the positions and movements that can lead to repetitive trauma injuries, and information on how to obtain further ergonomic assistance. program. A new CDCR, OCE, Unit 3 eligible employee, upon successful completion of ninety (90) scheduled academic calendar work days, shall be credited with three (3) Personal Necessity Days on the first day of the following month. This provision shall not apply to First Tier industrial members in Bargaining Unit 21. The hours in excess of one hundred sixty (160) hours in a qualifying monthly pay period shall not be counted or accumulated. The final award will be announced on the EDDNet within five (5) working days from the end of the protest period. If a request to meet and confer is made and agreement on the calendar is not reached within forty-five (45) days from the date of notice to the Union, the Director shall be free to implement the calendar or calendars unilaterally. The State agrees to forward a copy of the layoff plan and a copy of the SROA/Surplus list (as it relates to a potential layoff) to SEIU Local 1000 as soon as each is approved by CalHR. State Safety retirement members first employed by the State on or after January 15, 2011, and prior to January 1, 2013, are subject to the "State Safety B Retirement Formula." As DA assignments become available, the assignments shall first be reviewed by the State to determine whether the assignments will be filled, posted for bid, or filled without posting. Must be a permanent full-time Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA): probationary employees are excluded. We became aware of this intention when Definitions. The educational differential will be included when computing overtime compensations. This meeting is Unit 4 Bargaining Update for Tuesday, July 16, 2019, Unit 4 workers seek to Highlight Upward Mobility Language to Ensure it Applies to all Workers, Unit 4 Bargaining Update for Tuesday, July 9, 2019, Unit 4 Members Tell State Negotiators its time to Invest in its Employees, UPDATE: Meet and Confer with DMV on Reporting for Unplanned Absences, GeoPay Task Force Presents and Releases Report, Click here to read the GeoPay Task Force Joint Report, SEIU Local 1000 Updates for the Department Motor Vehicles (DMV), New bargaining team members elected as work begins on 2020 contract negotiations. union leaders were key themes of last weeks meeting of the Post orders in CDCR-Adult, and work instructions in CDCR-DJJ will be provided where applicable. As stated in Government Code section 20683.2, effective July 1, 2014, State Safety members shall pay an additional one percent (1%) retirement contribution making the employee's total contribution rate eleven percent (11%) of monthly pensionable compensation in excess of three hundred seventeen dollars ($317). The ergonomic evaluation shall, if possible, be done in conjunction with the ergonomic training described below. If the employee suffers a financial loss from the cancellation of vacation/annual leave, holiday time off or CTO time approved in writing, the employee may submit a California Victim Compensation Board claim for nonrefundable expenditures which can be verified. voices were heard. The parties recognize that when the State deems it necessary to fill a vacant position, the needs of the State must be given first priority. of Human Resources (CalHR) and California Department of It is understood that the layoff plan and the SROA/Surplus list may be approved at different times. Health Facilities Evaluator Nurses (HFENs) have been working This subdivision is not grievable or arbitrable. The needs of the State include the right to fill vacant positions using existing eligible or promotional lists, involuntary transfers, reassignments, or other selection methods for reasons such as affirmative action, special skills, abilities or aptitudes. To ensure equitable volunteer overtime opportunity, BU 20 CNAs shall be provided an opportunity to choose a voluntary overtime slot once. Board (FTB) to meet and confer on FTBs notice to the updated Within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of such notification, the Union may request to meet and confer over the impact of a telework or telecommuting policy and/or program or change in an existing telework or telecommuting policy and/or program. Workweeks and work shifts of different numbers of hours may be . facility to appropriately address concerns collaboratively with Once a BU 20 CNA has signed up for voluntary overtime, it is the employee's responsibility to work that position, unless the CNA has given the nursing supervisor, or their designee, seventy-two (72) hours' notice to enable the timely scheduling of a replacement. Vacation Leave - A PI employee will be eligible for a one-time vacation bonus of forty-two (42) hours of vacation credit following completion of the employee's initial nine hundred sixty (960) hours of compensated work. 2019, and continued to challenge the state to value the work our Not only did the Pro-ration shall be determined based on the employee's time base consistent with the chart in Article 7 of the MOU. Each party shall be responsible for the expenses of their participants. The tour included a meeting with Nick Maduros, the new department and 4 fought for and won a major advance for Lottery employees on Employees who receive yearly evaluations which have two (2) or more categories marked below standard may lose the right to hold and/or bid assignments for up to six (6) months, subject to review in three (3) months. These full-time conversions will provide these workers Every employee assigned to a call center will also be given access to information on workstation ergonomics. Employees will be given maximum discretion to use PLP 2020 subject to severe operational considerations. Upon written request by the employee, the department or its designee will provide the employee with a reason for the shift change in writing. Institutions that have overlapping shifts of 30 minutes (or less) are not exempt from this prohibition and shall not circumvent this protection by deducting the 30 minute (or less) overlap from the total hours. facilities, per Section 10.2 of the MOU. Plan and update to the COVID Prevention Policy. The employee has the right to go on a waiting list for the next available slot matching the employee's bid for the watch and RDO. For reporting purposes, compensable time begins when the employee reports to the job site or begins work from a different site, which may include the employee's home, approved by the department head or designee. Where the use of overtime is prevalent and there are more than three (3) equally qualified employees within a work unit, the department shall establish a seniority system to request and utilize volunteers to perform overtime work from within the appropriate work area(s) and classification(s). All exchanges must occur within the employee's pay period and. Job Stewards, had a Meet and Confer with the California State 2021 - 2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement. states public schools and help create a California for All. in this meeting was largely the same as we had learned in our Nothing in this section shall be interpreted or applied in such a manner as to interfere with the State or Federal court orders, the authority of the State or Federal courts or the authority of the special masters or receiver. The Union and the State jointly encourage unit employees to seek counseling and treatment when appropriate for substance and alcohol abuse issues. "Full-time service" means full-time service as one of the following: A school term employee for ninety percent (90%) of the teacher work days in one school term applicable to the employee. Upon request by the employee, the denial and the reason for denial shall be in writing. The Union may request from the CDCR, Adult an exemption from the existing class size to the superintendent or designee. The State and the Union agree to meet and discuss the results of the review and recommendations, including the following: The State and Unit 20 agree to establish a Joint Labor Management Advisory Classification Committee to review and make recommendations on updating existing classification specifications which do not reflect the current duties. Eligible surplus employees shall be permitted to apply and compete for vacant positions of the employee's current class or other classes to which the employee can transfer, pursuant to the SROA process. The term "employer" shall mean the State of California. If a further tie exists, then ties will be broken by "lottery" thereafter. Registration Operations Divisions (ROD) suspension of telework. Overtime shall first be offered to level-of-care employees for level-of-care overtime assignments before allowing other BU 20 classifications to work overtime. Management shall invite subject matter experts to speak on specific items. Standby and CTO credited as a result of standby shall not be considered time worked for purposes of qualifying for overtime. The survivors' benefits are detailed in the following schedule: A spouse who has care of two (2) or more eligible children, or three (3) or more eligible children not in the care of spouse $1,800. Thereafter, compensation (CTO or cash) shall be determined by the employer. For any future schedule changes, management will endeavor to provide notice to the Seasonal Clerk(s) before the end of the employee's work shift and in no event less than four (4) hours prior to the beginning of the next scheduled work shift. Unless otherwise stipulated above, a Seasonal Clerk employee will become eligible for leave credits in the following manner: Sick Leave - A Seasonal Clerk employee who has completed one hundred sixty (160) hours of paid employment will be eligible for up to eight (8) hours of sick leave credit with pay. Chuckawalla Valley, Centinela, High Desert, California All approved bid request forms must be completed and submitted, in accordance with the "Bidding" provision below, no later than 4:00 p.m. on May 1, or 4:00 p.m. on the following Monday if the date falls on the weekend. These assignments shall be counted neutral; that is, these assignments shall not be counted in either Management's or Union's positions. Nepotism: No bid shall be denied based solely on personal relationships. prior meetings. However, the Union recognizes a department's right to require overtime or the completion of work in progress by the employee performing the work at the time the determination was made that overtime was necessary. Exempt teachers at the Special Schools of the Department of Education in Unit 3 may be required to serve in extracurricular supervisory or advisory assignments at athletic events, dances, plays, and other after school and evening school-sponsored events for the benefit of students, the curriculum, and job effectiveness with no additional compensation. Another 3.25% raise in 2024. CalHR's interpretation of state and federal law may be based on administrative policies, regulations, or any other guidance interpreting such laws. The excess of non-posted assignments over posted assignments at each institution shall not exceed two (2) at any time. No more than twenty percent (20%) of the EPR/DIPR in any branch of EDD shall be PI. It is the State's intent that this section shall be administered in a non-discriminatory and equitable manner. As such, the PEPRA changes to retirement formulas and pensionable compensation caps apply only to new CalPERS members subject to PEPRA as defined under PEPRA. When the State determines that Unit 1 employees in public contact positions need to be identified as State employees, the State shall provide the employee with standard business and/or identification cards at no cost to the employee. opportunity to learn more about the Departments expectations of On Monday, December 20, 2021, SEIU Local 1000 met with the Employees' workweeks and/or work shifts shall not be permanently changed by the State without adequate prior notice. Upon completion of the classification review, the State and the Union will jointly identify recommendations for changes to the Graphic Designer Series. Industrial members in Bargaining Unit 21 subject to social security shall contribute eight and one half percent (8.5%) of pensionable compensation in excess of five hundred thirteen dollars ($513) for retirement. Announcement April 29, 2022. If the evaluation is overturned by a reviewing officer or as a result of a grievance decision, the employee shall have the employee's right to bid and hold assignments restored. Either party reserves the right to submit recommendations in addition to the joint report or if a joint report cannot be agreed to by both parties. Requisite Skills and Abilities: Employees placed under the Post and Bid provisions must possess the requisite knowledge, skills, aptitude, and abilities of the position to perform at an acceptable level. Once a BU 17 employee has signed up for voluntary overtime, it is the employee's responsibility to work that position, unless the employee has given the nursing supervisor, or the employee's designee, seventy-two (72) hours' notice to enable the timely scheduling of a replacement. As well, we clarified that the field is considered (SCIF) will receive a 2.4 percent performance award this year. From This section is not subject to Article 6 of this Contract. Verifies successful completion of required units from transcripts. An employee's grievance initially shall be discussed with the employee's supervisor. Prior to the court order, our Notwithstanding any other provision of the MOU, for the purpose of computing the number of hours worked, time when an employee is excused from work because of holidays, sick leave, vacation, annual leave, compensated time off, or any other leave shall not be considered as time worked by the employee for the purpose of computing cash or compensating time off for overtime.