A skilled warlord in his own right, Mortarion was immediately given command of the XIV Legion of Astartes which carried his genetic inheritance, and did so on his own terms. Mortarion had never encountered its kind before, believing his father, the Emperor, that such fell creatures did not exist. But he would endeavour to understand it -- to overcome it. . I use it. Mortarion turned away and began the ascent to the final mansion, that of the man he had called father, alone. In response, Mortarion only stood, rigid, as though suddenly listening for something. But as others have said, 'salvation' can also just mean death. Morty's whole thing was that there was no hope (and indeed the surrendering of hope and acceptance of corruption is nurgle's deal). !" . Who would stand with him against the psykers now among the Traitors? When he made his way back to the surface of the planet, he next encountered an unexpected visitor. Like thousands of other mortals the creature had encountered over the aeons, each was convinced that they alone could find a way to negotiate with the gods of the Warp with little to no consequence. Recruitment solely from Barbarus was however aided by the high suitability of the planet's hardy feral population to the conversion process. Watching the ash settle and the residual snags of aether-burn ripple into nothing, seven figures within the maelstrom emerged. Virus bombardments preceded the Death Guard. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. He trained the child, who had a highly keen intellect and voracious appetite for knowledge; Mortarion learned everything from battle doctrine, to arcane secrets, from artifice to stratagem. At present, Mortarion . The stranger challenged the young primarch to capture the last mansion alone, but if he failed he would join the stranger in total obedience. He wore a grey cloak over his personalised suit of brass and bare steel power armour known as The Barbaran Plate. Despite all that had occurred, Mortarion still believed that all sorcery was a cancer. Mortarion, Primarch of the Death Guard Legion before the Horus Heresy. The words he had spoken to his sons, proclaiming Horus as Warmaster of the Imperium ringing in his ears. Official He might burn himself out to get to Terra, he might not. Once the Astartes who remained loyal to the Emperor were purged, the Death Guard then fought alongside their Traitor brethren during the Drop Site Massacre on Istvaan V. Mortarion, the Death Lord, during the Horus Heresy. Mortarion (also known as the Death Lord, The Pale King[21], or the Reaper of Men[17a]) was one of the original twenty Primarchs. He ruled over a toxic death world of poison, horror and misery. [2], The Deathshroud are his personal bodyguard. the emperor speaks to mortarion. Until he knew, beyond a shadow of doubt, who was ally and who was an enemy, he refused to choose sides. [4], After Roboute Guilliman was resurrected in the closing days of the 41st Millennium, Mortarion sensed his brother's rebirth. He still believed that humanity must guard against it -- push it back. On Barbarus, Mortarion climbs into the mountains to face the High Overlord Necare for the final time. One softens the earth. He also armed his warriors with crude air filtration apparatus. Search "the emperor speaks to Gulliman" and you will find a few threads with the . [6a] Mortarion led his Legion in their betrayal of the Imperium at the Battle of Isstvan III and Drop Site Massacre. However Mortarion found his once-beloved brother Typhon changed, and once their vessels were inside the Warp the First Captain framed all of the fleet's Navigators. He could feel its tendrils grasping for him. [1][6b], Mortarion then recruited the strongest and most resilient of warriors from the villages he went to. Following the Heresy, the ascended Mortarion shut himself off from the affairs of the Materium. Wherever they travel they spread the joyful, exuberant poxes of Nurgle, gifting those who would know eternal life with the choicest of the Plague God's blessings. Canon The entirety of the Death Guard Legion had come to the doomed world. It polluted the vessels themselves as easily as it did the transhuman warriors within. He had come home.[1][16][25]. [23a], What emerged from the warp bore little resemblance to what had gone in. The stranger commented that even Mortarion and his Death Guard were having trouble pacifying the final warlord, and offered a challenge. When the Warmaster Horus turned to Chaos, it did not require much effort to drag Mortarion and his Legion down with him. One untouched and untainted by any of Nurgle's brothers. Where the seeds of corruption had been planted by the Plague That Walks, a new and terrible contamination spread. He was extremely tall and thin and wore a heavy collar around his throat that constantly emitted wisps of poisonous air. He would not countenance a new Emperor -- neither himself nor Mortarion. All around him were strewn the bodies of the dead and dying for miles in all directions. [17b], Mortarion accused Typhon of treachery, and the First Captain replied that he had indeed lied to his Primarch but for a greater purpose he would come to appreciate. com Mutilators.34 Chaos Rhino.34 Chaos Bikers.35 Raptors.35 Warp Talons.36 Chaos Spawn.36 Heldrake.37 Chaos Land Raider.37 Chaos Predator.38 Chaos Vindicator.38 Obliterators.39 Havocs.39 Forgefiend..40 Maulerfiend.40 Defiler.41 Khorne Lord of Skulls..42 orld Ef The warlord smiled and withdrew to the poisonous area above, unaware of the primarch's amazing respiratory abilities. Jaghatai told his bodyguard he had felt this new arrival's presence following them for a long time. He had pallid skin and hollow, haunted eyes and he terrified most of the inhabitants. the tall man aboriginal spirit; metadata api request failed: component conversion failed: file_ended; caleb foote sandlot There's no one else I'd rather have by my side in a war of attrition, and almost anyone else I'd rather have against me.". Attempting to give Morty hope, even if false, does have practical use, since hope is antithesis to Nurgle and would weaken its hold over him, if only by a tiny amount. The warlord smiled when Mortarion advanced upon him and withdrew to the apparent safety of the deadly fog, only to be pursued and butchered by this inhumanly resilient Primarch. They were the outriders. Perhaps he is actually opening up a tiny chink in mortars armour. Mortarion saluted the Khan mockingly, and spears of hard-edged light lanced down from above, bursting through the cloud cover and crashing through the heart of the ruined Tizca pyramid they had been fighting within. Eventually, the time he had waited for arrived, a way to prove himself in the eyes of his fellow humans. October 20, 2021. The status of the Emperor and his ability to communicate have long been debated and wondered on. Due to the Destroyer Hive, Typhon quickly came back to life. Fulgrim, Primarch of the Emperor's Children. Horus had sponsored them, Lorgar had shown them new tricks. Solar decades of endless battle changed the Death Guard, and over time the Terran influences on the Legion became less and less apparent, with the panoply and traditions of the Dusk Raiders and the Officio Militaris erased in favour of Barbarus' bleak creed of war. "So the choice has been made.". [Excerpt- The Verdict of the Scythe] Mortarion tries being benevolent, he feels icky. [20], Mortarion's plan against Guilliman reached its climax on Iax, luring his brother there in cooperation with Ku'gath, who created a deadly disease known as the Godblight which was capable of killing even a Primarch. His ultimate vengeance was always denied to him because of the fog that prevented the humans from pushing home their attacks. so many that the emperor comes here and is speaks with the ease of practice about conforming to merely "local" values. He experimented with both Xenos and Chaos artifacts, vowing to remain pure through understanding. Toying with Mortarian would be from a place of emotion, it would serve no real purpose for him. The Despoiler's agents repeated the same act on every world that harboured similar structures. It had begun in the Chondax System, right towards the end of the campaign against the Greenskins -- the first inkling that all was not well. ov y j_ ag gg E fifr* -#-- r O Games Workshop Ltd, Willow Rd, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS games-workshop. The Marines' once gleaming armour was corroded and shattered, barely containing their bloated, pustule covered bodies. It transformed them into bloated mutants, yet none could die, their own body being their undoing. Observing the physical changes in his brother, he noticed that Mortarion's power seemed to have grown. Mortarion's hand and mind was at work everywhere remaking his Legion, from changing tactical doctrines to equipment procurement and, some say, behind the selection of candidates and changing practices in the Legion's Apothecarion, where he gained the latter knowledge to interfere. He was rarely seen even by his own subordinates on the Plague Planet, leaving the Death Guard to conduct campaigns on its own as warbands. Now one of the denizens of the Empyrean stood shackled before him. Mortarion and the Death Guard would draw out the enemy and tire them down, and then the Luna Wolves would strike. Mired amid plans that were nearing fruition, the Daemon Primarch of the Death Guard could not yet act to strike at Guilliman. [5], In 901.M41, during the Battle of Kornovin, Mortarion killed Geronitan, Supreme Grand Master of the Grey Knights. There are lots of great details including a really interesting Death Guard backpack variant." Hannibal speaks to the imagination, to the feelings, to the passions, to exalted senses and to debased ones. Soon, representatives from other villages journeyed to learn from Mortarion, while the villages scattered across the valleys of the world were transformed into strongpoints. The diseased dead rose to claim the living. The Emperor may not have had much love for his sons in the past, but when he speaks, he carefully chooses and means every word he says. Rank The destruction of Cadia eliminated the mysterious geometric pylons that dotted the Fortress World's wind-swept outlands, and in doing so weakened the barrier between worlds, for these ancient megaliths were fashioned to keep power of the Warp from overwhelming the material dimension. But even death brought no freedom from its torment. He was seen as just another monster from above them, and this was quite true due to his appearance. When he recovered, Mortarion swore fealty to the stranger as he had promised, who revealed himself to be Mortarion's true gene-father, the Emperor of Mankind. Eventually the Khan found the answers he sought in the crystal caves deep underground, beneath the destroyed Prosperine capital city of Tizca. Mortarion dispatched the warlord and his place among the villagers was sealed. "Pain is an illusion of the senses, fear an illusion of the mind, beyond these only death waits as silent judge o'er all.". Mortarion was found on Barbarus, a planet covered in toxic fumes. No cure was found, and it seemed the Death Guard was doomed to something as petty as disease. [2], Horus found Mortarion more difficult to bring to his cause than either Angron or Fulgrim, and for a time it seemed the Warmaster may have failed to convince the Lord of the Death Guard. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Space Marines, Primarch/s - Chapters: 16 - Words: 345,044 . Horus promised that if Mortarion joined his cause and supported his rebellion they would cleanse the Imperium of the Emperor's taint, and build a new regime free of their gene-father's lies, manipulations and deceit. Events would prove the Emperor sorely mistaken. He was the champion, the sacrificial king. The Primarchs is the chance to show what the traitors were really about before their turn, . [17b] According to a Daemon known as The Remnant, Mortarion had allowed Typhus to corrupt the Death Guard as he saw no other path for the survival of his sons. The Khan had seen the overall picture perfectly. The Khan correctly surmised that Horus had not sent Mortarion, he had come of his own accord, with his own agenda. Then, the stranger stepped between them and, defying the fog, killed the warlord with one mighty sweep of his sword[1][6b]. His final battle had been building for years and he was not happy that someone else would share his glory. Genres Science Fiction 40k Fiction. Due to her telepathic abilities, she could broadcast her thoughts to them in real time while she spoke over the micro bead so that there would be minimal need to repeat herself to them. Eventually, only one peak denied them access, the one on which Mortarion's adoptive father had made his home. He hated to see the three of them getting dragged in deeper by the Emperor's hypocrisy. It would coil within his heart like a rancid viper, and provide the seed of weakness that the Plague God Nurgle would later exploit. A valiant band known as the Ynnari, a mixed faction of Aeldari and Drukhari in service to their awakened God of the Dead Ynnead, followed a radical path that they believed would see Chaos defeated and the Aeldari race resurgent. Two accompany him at all times and are never more than forty-nine paces from his side. He turned blacksmiths from tool-working to weapons-making when time allowed and had them craft armour. If he wanted to know the truth, then it would be revealed. Each of them had fought many times like this during their lives and it was all they could do not to run, let alone put up an effective counter manoeuvre. by ; 2022 June 3; barbara "brigid" meier; 0 . Not sure who would be more likely to turn.Tzeentch doesnt predispose its followers to wallowing in self pity so Magnus might have more motivation to break free. I dont think they would take it well if Morty came back and their primarch didnt. The Death Lord at last was worthy of his title. Jaghatai proceeded to warn his brother that though his Legion might be free of the Warp's corruption for now, the change would come, for Mortarion had made his pacts with the masters of the Empyrean, and now they would come to collect their due. [9], During the Great Crusade, Mortarion led his legion into battle against a Xenos race known as the Jorgall. The Khan gazed at Mortarion disdainfully. As Mortarion at last swore his soul to the eternal service of the Plague God in return for an end to the ceaseless agony, Nurgle responded with his usual generosity. Wishing his brother the best of luck, Jaghatai wished to seek his answers elsewhere. World after world soon fell to this horrific onslaught, and yet the insular and secretive Primarch seemed preoccupied by some other, unspoken goal. If not, Mortarion had to swear fealty to the stranger and the Imperium of Man he represented. During their meeting, Mortarion survived an assassination attempt by Shadrak Meduson, who assaulted the Primarchs with a trio of Fire Raptors. [1][6b], The winner of the battle in which Mortarion had landed was the greatest of the warlords. . Mortarion did not make empty threats. These tensions became most clear in the period directly preceding the first battle of the Horus Heresy at Istvaan III, when approximately one-third of the Legion was judged by Mortarion to be likely to remain loyal to the Emperor when the Legion joined the Warmaster Horus in his rebellion against the Imperium. But it had worn on the Khan, unravelling his sleep. In an attempt to resist the daemon's brutal attack, he tore at it with his hands, still relying on the immeasurable strength in his transhuman musculature. Never relenting in battle beneath their Primarch's gaze, they pursued the liberation of Mankind with a fervour the Great Crusade had never known. Such an opportunity had not presented itself in thousands of years, and the Great Unclean Ones hummed a cheerful ditty as they began to concoct a sickness fit for a demigod. Credit: Robert "TheChirurgeon" Jones. An Ordo Sepultura Map of Death Guard Traitor Legion activity across the galaxy after the formation of the Great Rift in 999.M41. With communications severed and relief forces cut off by fresh Warp Storms, the defenders were hard-pressed in a hundred locations across Ultramar. Descending upon the battlefields of the 41st Millennium on wings of tattered leather is Mortarion, the Daemon Primarch of Nurgle. [16] In anticipation he created 7 new diseases with the Hand of Darkness, one of which was a blindness-inducing plague that swept through Ultramar. Ignoring the protests of his Death Guard, Mortarion left alone to confront his adoptive father, motivated by a compulsion to prove himself to the stranger below. The Death Lord had never hidden what he wanted. Mortarion knew that he was now surrounded by the damned. True to his earlier pledge, Horus let Mortarion's Death Guard be the first to land upon Terra. When Guilliman suddenly reawoke and channeled the power of the Emperor directly, Mortarion fled before the power of his Father. To those unfortunates on the far side, in the region now named the Imperium Nihilus, the "Dark Imperium," it is something much worse -- the very gates of Hell. He enlisted the aid of blacksmiths, craftsmen and artificers to create suits of armour that would allow men to travel through the poisonous fog. The Khan was no fool, of course this new galaxy would all be led by Horus. [24], Following the withdrawal of Perturabo and the Iron Warriors from Terra Horus gave Mortarion the Lion's Gate Spaceport, which he turned into his own personal headquarters. Horus also used Mortarion's distrust of the Warp to his advantage, arguing that the Emperor had used the Warp in the creation of the Primarchs. As the clouds above them began to glow, a vibrant shard of light speared down from the smog, crackling as it hit the stone below. If anything it speak to how much Swallow dropped the ball with the Death Guard; The Pale King is a story we really needed to see. During the Siege of Terra Mortarion was the last of the traitor Primarch's to appear in the Sol System. It mattered not how many trinkets the Primarch rattled or waved -- this power of the Warp would not be denied. Seeking to understand its horrors, two noble primarchs have come to Galaspar, summoning their brother to account for his actions. The Emperor claimed "Mortarion smelled like shit from day one. Oh sorry I misheard only the heretics and xenos must burn !! He had claimed Mortarion as his own champion. The Death Lord informed Jaghatai that their respective fleets in orbit of Prospero were now at war. Magnus' shade had showed him. . On the highest peaks where the air was most poisonous lived the Overlord, who claimed Mortarion as his foster son. diocese of san diego priest assignments; 2013 chevy malibu eco charging system; fashion corporate jobs nyc At long last he had finally caught up. A shame, the setting has a lack of human factions that hate both chaos and the imperium, i dont like how renegade space marines are doomed to fall to chaos for example. It is said this warlord walked the battlefield for a day searching for the child, not stopping once until he found it. the emperor speaks to mortarion. The Death Guard primarch attempted to sway the Khan to Horus' cause as Jaghatai had surmised, to imagine a galaxy of warriors, of hunters, where the strong were given their freedom to act as they would, unbound by the Emperor's demands. Then again working to change your fate would just empower it more, unlike with Nurgle. The Lord of Death appeared aboard the Vengeful Spirit, his putrid stench sending all but Horus, Abaddon, and Tormageddon into convulsions. [1][6b], When the confrontation came, it was mercifully short. Faced with Mortarion's new Daemonic endurance and strength, the Khan was brutally beaten down and nearly defenseless. For better or worse, the Death Lord had come home. Until, that is, Mortarion himself joined into the fray. Hive Worlds were toppled, and as the Blackness of the Noctis Aeterna descended, there was no escape. But it was then, at the final moment before the High Overlord at last took the life of his wayward foster son, that the stranger suddenly appeared, leaping between the two and slaying Necare with a single thrust of his flaming sword. [1][6b], People say that Mortarion flattened the wooden door to the banquet room and he found the elders and a stranger who was their opposite in every way. After hundreds of battles and wars, there was just one inaccessible mansion, one which Mortarion knew well, the one where his adoptive father resided. Mortarion is the Primarch of the Death Guard, and fourteenth son of the Emperor. Upon Macragge, the Chapter homeworld of the Ultramarines, a miracle was wrought within the Fortress of Hera through the technological prowess of Belisarius Cawl and the power of Ynnead as embodied in his priestess Yvraine, the Daughter of Shade. Though the Imperium now faced its darkest hour, all was not lost. There's this theory about the Emperor not actually "talking" but rather transmitting ideas and letting the recipients process them in their own way. Mortarion had finally gotten what he wanted, a world of his own. Mortarion proceeded to explain the reason for his recent arrival; he told Jaghatai that he had sought him out, for things had changed. Mortarion brushed off the Khan's reasoning, but Jaghatai pressed him. Despite his adoptive father being a ruthless necromancer, Mortarion felt reluctant to attack the man who took him in and called off the planned attack on the advice of Calas Typhon, who warned that he was not yet ready to face the High Overlord even with the new suits of armour. Mortarion then revealed his trump card: unleashing the deformed Ignatius Grulgor from his confines. [14] Later, Mortarion personally led a massive invasion of Ultramar in what became known as the Plague Wars. They're still aware enough, were both tricked into servitude and do seem to hate their situation in some way. Cheryl: Living Saint of the Adepta Sororitas "The emperor speaks to me from the Throne and he tells me everything must burn !!! Over time Mortarion shaped the creed and practice of the Death Guard, his beliefs in many ways forming a natural extension of their own, beliefs and doctrine becoming ever more refined and extreme. Seeing the Materium as petty, his interest leaned towards the Great Game. He strode above his fellow humans, dwarfing all around him. He climbed higher than he had ever gone before, ignoring the increasing toxins. But the Pale King brooks no challenge to his methods, for when the scythe falls, it reaps a gruesome toll. Mortarion became a Daemon Prince after the Heresy, when he occupied the plague planet and made it more like Barbarus. Mortarion continued to improve the breathing apparatus and campaigned ever higher into the fog. The sheer brutality of Mortarion's campaign left the Imperium appalled. [19a] Mortarion next met with Magnus in order to discuss an attack on the Colossi Gate, revealing to his brother that he hated his current Daemonic visage and was in constant pain. He came to rest at the site of a huge battle fought across a vast plain. Previously, the walking corpses could be destroyed, but now doing so only released hordes of Nurglings that writhed impossibly out of the withered flesh of the fallen. The Primarch was enraged at the creature's proclamation -- even his father the Emperor could not claim him. By the time he led his Death Guard in the Siege of Terra, Mortarion had been fully embraced by the Plague God Nurgle, and transformed into the vast, bug-winged, daemonic form he . The High Overlord, Necare of Barbarus, took the child in with the intention of creating a son and heir, naming him Mortarion -- "child of death" in the local Barbaran dialect of High Gothic. Upon Typhon's advice, Mortarion would make the journey inside the Terminus Est as opposed to the Endurance. During the purge, Mortarion encountered a Daemon possessing the body of a woman and was forced to kill it using his innate psychic abilities despite it being against Imperial (and by this point, his very own) dogma. Unable to escape thanks to the Sagyar Mazan and the vessels reactivated Void Shields, Mortarion led the massacre of the Scars suicidal rear guard while directing his fleet to combine its fire and reduce the Swordstorms shields. The Primarch sought answers from the daemon. The Emperor granted Mortarion command of the XIV Space Marine Legion, then known as the Dusk Raiders, who quickly adopted the name, iconography and dogma of Mortarion's Death Guard. In the solar decades that followed the renamed XIV Legion fought tirelessly in the service of the Great Crusade. He only ever found friendship in two other Primarchs, Night Haunter and Horus. 1082 Words5 Pages. pigella miraculous ladybug power. . [13], After these campaigns, Mortarion received orders from Horus to make for Terra. The final thing Mortarion saw before he almost blacked out into unconsciousness was the Overlord of Barbarus coming to kill him and mocking him for his weakness and failure. Enraged, Mortarion engaged Typhon in a duel, with the First Captain's psychic abilities allowing him to hold off the Primarch's attacks for a time. When that failed and the Khan drove him off, Mortarion picked up a daemon of Nurgle to learn how to fight Daemons. Mortarion simultaneously experienced himself before the Emperor after his failure to kill his father, and finally snapped.